I love the expressions of animals. The other day I got out of my car at my son and daughter-in-law’s house to watch my granddaughter for a few hours. They have two dogs that love to greet visitors. The male dog, Samson, is a fantastic hunter bringing home all kinds of critters. He then proceeds to “gift” them to the 2nd dog named Blueberry. She is shy but loves his “gifts”.
So as I’m greeting the dogs, I notice the latest prize that Samson has given Blueberry. She had to show off by carrying around the lifeless chipmunk that was lovingly bestowed on her. She was so proud and wanted me to see it. I choked down the repulsion I was feeling and instead praised both dogs for their trophy. Treasure is definitely in the eye of the beholder or in this case the mouth!
This painting, “Did I Do Good?”, evokes the emotion that a child or in my case the dogs, display as they look up at me for approval. Is it OK? Did I do good?
Don’t we also in a spiritual sense look up into our Heavenly Father’s eyes and ask the same question? Am I on the right road? Making the right decisions? Glorifying You, Father, in what I do each day?
The mercy of God is never-ending:
Psalms 57:10 For thy mercy is great unto the heavens and thy truth unto the clouds.
He views us, His children, with compassion that is beyond what we can ever understand. So even though we might be carrying around our own prize of a “dead chipmunk,” be assured that your Heavenly Father will praise the beauty of your offering for His Glory!